Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Tale of Cleopatra and Princess


Despite the title above sounding a dramatization of an Egyptian historical storyline, it hasn't much to do with pyramids and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra! but certainly has something to do with small companions that fascinated the  Egyptians. Cats seemed to have played an important role in the ancient Egypt society and evidence suggests that it was in Egypt that the cat was first domesticated 4,000 years ago! Cats becoming a precious part of their culture were not only protected by the people but also their law.

Cleopatra and Princess (named by me) are two stray cats wondering about in our neighborhood! Since the day they discovered our kindness of serving them food, they gradually began to visit home regularly three times a day for their meals. Princess is actually a litter by Cleopatra, so in the early days, she was quite hesitant to climb over to our side of the wall, but Cleopatra wouldn't miss on her trips to us for her timely meals. Many times Cleopatra (the mum) would 'meow' at her young daughter, Princess and caress her, trying to convince her to come over, but Princess seemed afraid and not very willing. But now, Princess is all grown and well accustomed to making regular visits with her Mum to us in the morning, noon and night for their meals.

 A year ago, Cleopatra littered again, and this time Princess too joined her. It was quite funny to watch both Mum cat and daughter cat (I sometimes refer to them as that) carrying a loaded tummy! While Cleopatra was smart enough to carry her kittens to our home after littering, Princess poorly experienced had left them in the neighbor's garden exposed and not well hidden. We heard from a neighbour that her kittens were eaten by a straying animal. I still remember how Princess mournfully meowed for many days in confusion searching for her kittens. Princess quickly, started to have an affection for the kittens of Cleopatra, where she comes and spends time watching them and licking their fur but  somehow I felt the kittens always detached themselves from Princess as they tried to avoid her when she caressed them.

This time of the year, both Princess and Cleopatra have littered again, seems 3 each, as we watched Princess carry 6 kittens over the wall to our home 3 weeks ago. It’s amazing to see how Princess takes care of the kittens unlike Cleopatra who spends less time with them in comparison to Princess. All 6 kittens feed on both Princess and Cleopatra and they show absolutely no differences in feeding all 6 at the same time. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dusk in Mount Lavinia


A beautiful dusk I captured one evening in Mount Lavinia. These subtle colours gracing the evening sky was a pleasure to watch as the sun hid beneath the horizon.

The colours became more warm into the sunset.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tamil Virtual University - Digital Library


The  Tamil Virtual University is a resourceful site for the Tamil communities living in different parts of the globe as well as others interested in learning Tamil and acquiring knowledge of the history, art, literature and culture of the Tamils. A very appealing feature of the site is the digital library presenting a rich resource of classified books, ancient and medieval literature and also romanised versions of Tamil literary works. 

A section for technical glossaries (claims of approximately 2 lakhs terms uploaded) with Tamil technical terms in all the disciplines including Information Technology/Engineering & Technology can be referenced. 

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The tongue!


Its a dull Sunday noon... and I was thinking over the sermon at our church which surrounded the teachings of guarding our tongues... Following are some extracts of passages I referred in the bible telling us about the words we utter...

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." Ephesians 4:29
"Your tongue plots destruction, like a sharp razor, you worker of deceit." Psalm 52:2
"Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit." Psalm 34:13

Whoever I may have hurt in the past with my words... my mom or a friend or whoever it may be... I sincerely asked for forgiveness from God and prayed that I may always and always remember to guard my tongue and words I utter... But sometimes when situations in life require truth or the need to stand up and voice your thought on something that you may feel is not fair... our tongues tend to be sharp...don't they! That too..I decided today..I would try being more careful... I will try... ;-)

These images (by Reuters) extracted from one of the top stories on yahoo news today.... illustrates innocent birds toiling in a oil spill... I wish they had tongues to question us... the 'humans'... on our actions and life styles suffocating them!

source :

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My favourite links... random...


One of my favourite sites that give out free images is They give away quality images especially in the categories of natural world, backgrounds & illustrations and celebration and no registration required!

Whenever I feel like a taking a break with a online-game, I usually seek refuge at A friend of mine once introduced it to me and ever since, I've enjoyed playing some of those among a huge list of games to choose from. Though some are heavy in graphics there are also simple ones you can have fun playing.

A good site to download free piano scores of Yanni’s great compositions is Also has loads and loads of piano scores from Beatles to Beyonce!